Culture Café Animateur Activity
Thanks to Highlands and Islands Enterprise Community Support Fund, Culture Cafe was able to support four contemporary artists / creative practitioners and one collective, who have been negatively impacted by the COVID-19 lockdown restrictions. Throughout June and July, the artists and practitioners have been exploring and trying out ways to stimulate and strengthen the Culture Café model and increase the benefit to the people who attend the network events. You can find out more about the work of the Animateurs below, or on our social media platforms, Facebook and Instagram.

Rosie Balyuzi – Documentary Doodler Animateur
I am here as your Culture Cafe Doodle Documenter – now that’s a new job title! I have been commissioned as an Animateur to follow the path of my four fellow Animateur’s and report my findings to you in doodle form. A bit like a journalist with a paper and pen to document and distil the artist’s creative work and draw the essential story… more

EMMA ROBBIE – Café Culture Animateur
My name’s Emma, and I’m a creative practitioner based in Moray. I’m being supported by Culture Cafe to start a conversation about creativity and resilience in lockdown…more

FIONA PERCY – Café Culture Animateur
Mixed media textile artist and Culture Café Animateur, Fiona Percy invites you to a Zoom talk & chat about her practice, working with nettles and baking!...more

The Birdhouse Collective invite you to their online exhibition private view and share your experience of exhibiting and viewing online work and discuss how this medium might become the new norm and how, if we can, improve this experience…more

RACHAEL MACINTYRE – Café Culture Animateur
Culture Café invites you to a celebration of the people and creativity in Moray, hosted by theatre practitioner and Culture Café Animateur Rachael Macintyre. Rachael would like to bring everyone together for a zoom cèilidh; an afternoon of music, poetry, storytelling, and, in true Culture Café style, food…more